Loutit District Library’s Featured Local Artists Pastel Paint Pals
Through June 15
Lower Level Hallway, during business hours.
Author: Larry Halverson
When Hollywood Went to War
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Thursday, May 10
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Program Room A
When Hollywood Went to War is the real life story of nearly 90 celebrities who served in the United State Military during World War II. In our research, we collected hundreds of photographs, films and several interviews of men and women from the entertainment world. These 1940’s celebrities, young and some older, took time out in their successful careers to protect and preserve our freedom. This presentation will explain where they went to serve and what battlefields and/or naval battles they experienced.
For more information, contact Larry Halverson at (616) 842-5560 x222
Sunday Afternoon Concert Series: Jazz Performer David Dilsizian
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Sunday, May 20
2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Upper Level Lobby
David Dilsizian performs the great jazz standards of the past, including selections from Gershwin and Cole Porter. He recently released an EP with pianist Pat Felitti and has performed at Carnegie Hall, The US Open Tennis, 2015 Dove Awards, and currently sings with Opera Grand Rapids. David grew up in Metro Detroit, but has called West Michigan home for the last 5 years.
For more information, contact Larry Halverson at (616) 842-5560 x222
Traditional Irish Music Session
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Saturday, May 19
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Program Room A
Whether a beginner or an advanced session player, bring your Irish musical instrument and participate in LDL’s merry band of Irish session players. Even if you do not play an instrument, come and listen. This program is in partnership with the Celtic band Uneven Ground. Music provided upon request by emailing Larry Halverson at lhalverson@loutitlibrary.org.
Hamlet at 75
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Wednesday, May 9
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Program Room A
A staged reading by Walter (Mac) Davis of his play in progress. Discussion to follow. Here is your chance as an audience to help find all the places where this play needs revision and development toward a MainStage production for a later date.
For more information, contact Larry Halverson at (616) 842-5560 x222
Coffee and Coloring at Loutit District Library
Coffee and Coloring
Tuesday, May 1
10:00 a.m.- Noon
Are you daunted by your coloring book? Paralyzed by color choices or complicated designs? Don’t know where to start? Coffee and Coloring is for you!
Join local artist and colorist Kerry FitzGerald the first Tuesday of each month for tips and inspiration during this free drop-in session. Learn how to see, break down, and create realistic color with advanced shading techniques using colored pencils provided, or bring your own. Coloring pages will be available, or bring in your own coloring book or project. Kerry will demonstrate techniques as she works on her projects.
She’ll talk about the differences in colored pencil and paper quality, as well as what to look for in buying a coloring book and tools. Rediscover the fun you had coloring as a child…then, discover a talent you never knew you had! No experience necessary.
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Loutit District Library’s Featured Local Artists Pastel Paint Pals
Loutit District Library’s Featured Local Artists Pastel Paint Pals
May 1- June 15
Lower Level Hallway during normal business hours
For more information, contact Larry Halverson at (616) 842-5560 x222